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Emerald Ash Borer was first discovered in 2002 in southeast Michigan, and is responsible for the death or damage of approximately 15 million ash trees. The Emerald Ash Borer-(EAB) is an exotic insect native to Asia that attacks ash trees in its larval stage. EAB feeds undetected under the bark of ash trees, disturbing natural water and nutrient flow, and ultimately killing the trees in just a few short years. For more information on this subject please visit

www.michigan.gov/eab   or   www.emeraldashborer.info

Just move your mouse over the pictures to see some examples of the stages of the Emerald Ash Borer. Starting with the top row: EAB the insect, EAB in it's larval state, the "D" shaped emergence holes, the crown infestation, borers & suckers, and the larval feeding galleries typically serpentine.

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